Prostate Cancer Related Documents

Slides for Andrew Vickers,PhD, June 20th, 2024 presentation: If a cancer can't spread or harm you, is it still a cancer? A conversation with the MSK researcher.
His research paperr:
Removing the Designation of Cancer from Group 1 Disease Wiil Do More Good than Harm

Slides for Shelley Imholte's April 18th, 2024 presentation: Sex MATTERS!
Links to Dr. Shelly's handouts:
Practices, Feelings, Sensations; SLI Inc. Effective Communication; SLI Inc. Exercises UsTOO Zero Aug 2023; Mindfulness Practices SLI Inc. 2020; Lubricant Handout SLI Inc. 2023; SLI Inc. UsTOO ZERO Touch Exercises AUG 2023

Slides for Dr.Purohit's April 18th, 2024 presentation: Getting your Life Back: Fixing Leakages and the Blockages after Prostate Cancer Treatment

Slides for Dr.Slovin's March 21st, 2024 presentation: Immunotherapy in prostate cancer: friend or foe? Can the immune system really work to treat cancer?

Slides for Dr. Loeb's February 15th 2024 presentation: Optimizing lifestyle to live your best life with prostate cancer

Slides for Dr. Tagawa's January 18th 2024 presentation: Targeted therapy for prostate cancer: what is it and how can it help me?

Slides for Dr. Aronne's December 21st, 2023 presentation: Obesity and Prostate Cancer: What's the link and what should I do about it?

Slides for Donna Wilson's November 16th, 2023 presentation: Exercise is Medicine.

Slides for Julie Babayeva's September 21st, 2023 presentation: Charting Your Course - Navigating Advanced Planning.pdf.
Link to video of presentation: Video of Julie Babayeva's Presentation
Other documents: Living Will, Health Care Proxy, Disposition of Remains.

Slides for Christian Nelson's July 20th, 2023 presentation: Managing Anxiety and Prostate Cancer: Getting your life back in the front of your mind.

Slides for Dr. Loeb's June 15th, 2023 presentation: Fake News about Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Dr. Wolchok's March 16th, 2023 presentation: Why Aren't We Immune to Prostate Cancer?.

Slides for Dr. Patel's February 16th, 2023 presentation: Focal therapy for prostate cancer: "Challenges in appropriately selecting patients for partial gland ablation".

Slides for Dr. Bander's January 19th, 2023 presentation: From Bench to Bedside: Progress towards a Cure.

Slides for Dr. Van Kerrebroeck's December 15th, 2022 presentation: What's Up with Urinary Incontinence Post Prostate Cancer Treatment?

Slides for Donna WQGilson's November 17th, 2022 presentation: Exercise Is Medicine.
For stretches that Donna recommends Click here.

Slides for Richard Wassersug's October 20th, 2022 presentation: A Bit More about ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) That You and Your Partner Might Want to Know.

Slides for Dr. Carlo's May 19th, 2022 presentation: ProstateAndMe: Using genetics to improve prostate cancer care.

Slides for Dr. Loda's April 21st, 2022 presentation: The Fat Side of Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Dr. Margolis' March 17th, 2022 presentation: Your Prostate in the Metaverse - the Future of Prostate MRI.

Slides for Andrea Schaeffer and Heidi Pinsky's February 17th, 2022 presentation: An Introduction to Plant Based Diets.

Slides for Dr. Slovins' January 20th, 2022 presentation: Exploring the inner complexity of prostate cancer through immunotherapy. Is immunotherapy a reasonable treatment option for prostate cancer?

Slides for Andrew Vickers' October 21st, 2021 presentation: MRI is incredibly good at finding prostate cancer. But is that actually a good thing?

Slides for Dr. Nelson's September 21st, 2021 presentation: Sex after Prostate Cancer? Is it Possible?

Slides for Dr. Morris's August 19th, 2021 presentation: Lu-177 PSMA617: A game changing therapy for prostate cancer treatment

Slides for Dr. Oh's July 15th, 2021 presentation: Precision Oncology in Prostate Cancer: How new tests and treatments will change treatment.

Slides for Dr. Lee's June 17th, 2021 presentation: New Tips and Tricks for Managing Incontinence after Prostate Surgery.

Slides for Dr. Tagawa's May 20th, 2021 presentation: So Now I have Metastatic Prostate Cancer: How Can I Optimize My Outcome; What Are My Options?.

Slides for Dr. Roth's April 15th, 2021 online/phone presentation: Is There a Place for Psychiatric Medication When Dealing with Prostate Cancer?.

Slides for Dr. Sternberg's February 18th, 2021 online/phone presentation: How Precision Medicine and Novel Prostate Cancer Treatments Can Benefit You.

Video of Dr. Hu's January 21st, 2021 online/phone presentation: Current Controversies in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment.

Slides for Dr. Kantoff's December 17th, 2020 online/phone presentation: New Insights into the Biology and Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Dr. Margolis' November 19th, 2020 online/phone presentation: With Prostate MRI, Less Is More - Sometimes.

Slides for Dr. Rubin's October 15th, 2020 online/phone presentation: Sexual Medicine: Learn How Your Plumbing Works and How to Optimize It.

Slides for Dr. Cantley's September 17th, 2020 online/phone presentation: Better Preclinical Models for Testing Drugs and Diets for Prostate Cancer Therapy.

Slides for Dr. Slovin's August 20th, 2020 online/phone presentation: Treating Beyond Progression: Why PSA Is Not Everything!.

Slides for Dr. Fishman's July 16th, 2020 online presentation: Osteoporosis.

Slides for Dr. Loizzo's June 18th, 2020 online presentation: Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience in Prostate Cancer Care: Managing Stress and Isolation in Uncertain Times.

Link to Fran's May 21, 2020, pdf: The Importance of Movement and Breath for Your Health: Top 10 Exercises and All You Have to Do Is Sit or Stand
Link to video of Fran Conways's live Yoga demonstration, previously taped: Top Ten Easy Yoga Exercises.
Link to all of Fran's Yoga and meditation videos: Fran Conway on Youtube.

Slides for Dr. Vickers and Dr Carlsson's April 16, 2020 online presentation: Making Decisions about Prostate Cancer: Do Decision Aids Actually Help Us?.

Slides for Dr. Maytal's March 19, 2020 online presentation: Waiting for the other shoe to drop: Anxiety and Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Feighanne Hathaway's program at the September 2019 Prostate Cancer Summit: Hereditary Prostate Cancer: The Ins & Outs of Genetic Testing.

Slides for Dr. Christian J. Nelson's October 2019 program: How to Keep it Up: Strategies to Use Erectile Function Treatment for Men with Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Richard K. Lee's July 2019 program: Treatments for Incontinence following Treatment for Prostate Cancer.

Slides for Lewis Cantley's April 2019 program: Reducing Cancer Deaths by Eating Less Sugar.

Slides for Dr. Zelefsky's January 2019 program: Managing Prostate Cancer after Initial Treatment Fails: Are There Good Next Steps? .

Slides for Dr. Barbieri's August 2018 program: Genomic Subtypes of Prostate Cancer: Moving Towards Clinical Impact .

Slides for Dr. Kantoff's May 2018 program: Prostate Cancer Recurrence.

Slides for Dr. Slovin's November 2017 program: Is Immune Therapy for Prostate Cancer a Riddle Wrapped Up in an Enigma?

Video of Dr. Scherr's September 2017 talk: Surgery for Localized Prostate Cancer.

Jackie Topol's handout from the May 2017 meeting: Nutrition Confusion

Fran Conway's handout from the February 2017 meeting: Mountain Pose

Dr. Christopher E. Barbieri's January 19, 2017, video: Defining and Targeting Distinct Molecular Classes of Prostate Cancer

Dr. Neil Bander's October 20, 2016, slides: PSMA: Prostate Cancer's Molecular Bullseye

Dr. Michael J. Morris' September 15, 2016, slides: Imaging the Unseen in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Dr. Philip Kantoff's July 21, 2016, slides: The Cutting Edge Science of Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer and the Discovery of New Biomarkers As Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Targets

Dr. Peter Nanus's June 16, 2016, slides: Patients Living Longer: The Promise of Newer Therapies

Dr. Peter Scardino's May 19, 2016, slides: (Some) biomarkers for early stage prostate cancer: Blood, urine, and tissue

Dr. Andrew J. Roth's February 18, 2016,slides: Managing Prostate Cancer: A Guide for Living Better

Dr. Peter N. Schlegel's Nov. 19, 2015, slides: Detection of Prostate Cancer

Dr. Andrew Vicker's Oct. 15, 2015 slides: How Information Technology Is Transforming Prostate Cancer Care: Dragging Clinical Medicine, Kicking and Screaming, into the 21st Century.

Dr. Christopher E. Barbieri's September 17, 2015 slides: Genomics: Next Generation Testing for Prostate Cancer Screening, Prognosis, and Management

Dr. Hebert Alberto Vargas July 2015 presentation: Update in Imaging Advanced Prostate Cancer (CaP)

Dr. Geo Espinosa's May 2015 presentation: Thrive – Don’t Survive! Prosate Cancer (CaP)

Dr. Scott Tagawa's slides from his April 16, 2015 presentation: Rising PSA after treatment: How much does it matter, what can I do about it, and who should I ask?

Richard Sabel's slides from his March 19, 2015 presentation: Incontinence & ED: Making the Elusive Obvious for Improved Function

Dr. Rajveer S. Purohit's notes from his January 15, 2015 presentation: Latest on Treating Urinary Dysfunction after Prostate Cancer Treatment

American Urological Association (AUA) Guideline for radiotherapy after prostatectomy: Radiation-After-Prostatectomy.pdf

Christion Nelson's preentation "Beyond the Blue Pill: Male Sexuality Following Cancer Treatments": Nelson Sex Talk II.pdf

Tips for those who are about to have or are recovering from surgery. Written and made available by an UsTOO New York active member: Surgical Tips.pdf

Slides from Dr. Scott Tagawa's November 2012 presentation :"Rising PSA after Treatment: How Much Does It Matter, What Can I Do About It, and Who Should I Ask?": Tagawa Us Too Nov 15 2012.pdf

Dr. Richard Rivlin's notes on "Diet and Cancer" from his December 2009 talk: USTOONotesRivlin091217.pdf.pdf

Study suggesting mind-body surgery prep may reduce anxiety and help healing: